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chili powder

Chile powder is a food ingredient obtained by molding dry peppers and reducing them into a thin powder. It is widely used in the kitchen to add flavor and heat to the dishes, and it is also often used as a basic spice in many recipes. There are many varieties of chili powder, including chili powder, paprika and chipotle pepper. Everyone has their own spice intensity and their own distinct flavor, and they are often used in dishes from different regions of the world.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

Values per 100 grams

282 Cal
14 G
0 Mg
1640 Mg
1950 Mg
50 G
13 G
7 G
Vitamin B
2 Mg
Vitamin C
0 Mg
17 Mg
149 Mg
Food fibers
35 G
330 Mg


How to keep turmeric powder ?
To keep the turmeric powder, place it in an airtight pot. Then keep your turmeric pot in a dry, fresh and sheltered place.
How to make garlic powder ?
  • Peel the fresh garlic cloves.
  • Chop the pods.
  • Dry the garlic in the oven by adjusting to the lowest temperature for 2h approximately. Make sure to turn them back every 20 minutes.
  • Remove them from the oven and let cool on the plate.
  • mold the dried garlic using either a coffee mill, a blender or A pestle and a mortar.
  • grind the pieces of garlic to make a powder of the desired consistency.
How to do chile ?
To prepare chili, mix different spices: strong pepper, garlic, cloves, paprika and cumin. It can be added ground coriander seeds, dehydrated oregano and powdered onion. Adapt the proportions according to the desired spice level.
How to do chili cône carne ?
To make chili con carne, use good spices (red chili reduced to powder or fresh jalapeño poment), lean beef cut menu, dry red or boxed beans. In a vegetarian version, this dish dare of tofu or soy protein.
How to make icing sugar with powdered sugar ?
To make icing sugar with powdered sugar, mix white sugar with cornstarch. For 100 g of icing sugar, count 97 g of powdered sugar and 3 g of starch.
How to make yogurt with powdered milk ?
To make yogurt with powdered milk, it must be diluted in lukewarm water before adding lactic ferment. Count 100 g of powdered milk to obtain the equivalent of 1 liter of milk.
How to make a powdered chocolate cake ?
To make a powdered chocolate cake, use unwell -in -sweet cocoa. If you choose it sweet, adapt the portion of sugar to add to the cake dough.
How to make a mug cake with chocolate powder ?
To make a mug cake with chocolate powder, mix all the ingredients before adding it. Add a few drops of vanilla extract to flavor your mug cake. Do not hesitate to add crushed almonds to bring a crunchy texture.
How to take spirulina powder ?
Powder spirulina is perfectly incorporated into a vinaigrette sauce. It can also go into the preparation of your smoothies, fruit juices, soups or cold drinks. Powder spirulina can also be consumed with yogurt.
What spices in chile ?
Chile is made up of various spices: strong pepper, paprika, cumin, garlic, griofle and oregano. Some mixtures also include powdered onion and cilantro seeds.

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